Power Africa looks forward to continuing to involve the Energy Projects Community in streamlining the AAE negotiation process and broadening consensus on how best to structure these complex agreements. The CLDP and ALSF continue to work together to support this mission, both by improving access to the AAE manual (currently translated into French) and by creating additional reference manuals on other complex legal issues (e.g. B, credit improvement and fuel/steam supply agreements). The hope is that, with a better understanding of what a successful AAE is, we will be able to work faster towards the goal of getting electricity to millions of sub-Saharan Africans in the years to come. If this is not the case, we should consider a long-term contract setting out all the terms of the agreement. An AAE is a contractual agreement to buy a lot of energy at an agreed price, for a period of time, before the production of energy. For future AAEs, a basic PPP base has been developed between the Bonneville Power Administration and a wind power generation unit. [10] Solar PPAs is now being successfully used in the California Solar Initiative`s Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) program. [11] This aspect of the success of the CSI program has only recently been opened up to applications. The buyer generally requires the seller to guarantee that the project meets certain performance standards. Performance guarantees allow the buyer to plan accordingly when developing new facilities or when executing application plans, which also encourages the seller to keep appropriate records.

In cases where the supplier`s delivery does not meet the buyer`s contractual energy needs, the seller is responsible for restructuring the buyer`s debt. Other guarantees can be contractually agreed, including availability guarantees and performance curves. Both types of safeguards are more applicable in regions where the energy used by renewable technologies is more volatile. [9] In the energy sector, the need for balanced and clear contracts is particularly urgent, where agreements can cover decades of projects involving several developers, financiers and buyers. As part of Power Africa`s focus on streamlining negotiations on energy projects, representatives of the U.S. government and our key private sector partners recognized the need for a common understanding of the key elements of balanced project contracts. By focusing on the main project contract, the Power Purchase Agreement (AAE), Power Africa wanted to gather information from all sides in the negotiation process in order to reach a consensus on what is a balanced and bankable agreement. Negotiating commercial contracts continues to pose a major challenge to companies around the world, even when it comes to technological advances, economic modelling and good legislative practices.