The NSW Christian Schools General Staff Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2020-2023 (MEA) brings together general staff in more than 40 NSW Christian schools. General staff: class manager, school administrative staff, preschool/childcare staff, school staff and others. The EU has been informed that schools will hold a vote on workers covered by the MEA in the first week of March. In order for the MEA to be subject to the approval of the Fair Labour Commission, a majority of voters must vote in favour of the MEA. The MEA will apply for four years, until the end of 2023. The salaries and conditions to be found in the following documents are due to unionization efforts in your school and in the areas of independent and Catholic schools. Personal/caregiver leave will now be progressive each year of service and will not be available each year in advance. The Union opposed it during the negotiations, but it was agreed that employers wanted to push this change forward with force. Any worker who does not have personal leave or care as a result of this change should apply to the Union for assistance. Also note that a staff member may request personal/nursing assistant leave during the first year. P 02 8202 8900 F 02 9211 1455 E Educational Services (Teachers) AwardEDUCATIONAL Services (Teachers) Pay Guide the Briscoe Building 485 – 501 Wattle St Ultimo NSW 2007 Authorized by Mark Northam, Secretary, Independent Education Union of Australia NSW/ACT Branch WA Christian Schools Multi Enterprise Agreement 2016-2019WA Christian Schools Non-Teaching Staff Multi Enterprise Agreement 2013-2015 Please please contact your trade union organisation if you would like more information. Please also share this information with your colleagues and encourage them to vote.
If you have any questions, such as how to obtain a collective agreement, you have professional and competent advice to your EU office. . The Union has obtained an extension of the circumstances in which a worker can benefit from personal leave or care (an unexpected personal emergency concerning the worker is now included) and a relaxation of the requirement to present a medical certificate to cover absences. The IEU supports the members. Invite your colleagues to join us here: Notwithstanding the less advantageous change in the personal/beneficiary delimitation, the Union recommends that members vote „yes“ in the MEA vote, as the offer has resulted in significant pay increases and other improvements.